Saturday, October 3, 2015

Realities of Life

                                    ~ Merlyn Kaipeng

To appreciate the bad times of life
Is not easy as said
But come what may
One gotta be ready
To hit back the world
To be strong to survive

The world is not what it appear
No room for discouragement
Myriads share the same fate
In the midst of a cruel world
There is nothing like turning
Weakness into strength.

There is nothing wrong
In a sensitive and emotional heart
Let the heart cry out
Let the world know what's inside
But better be careful while expressing
People may not fathom the grief inside

The nature of beings are not same
Blame cannot be laid at someone's feet
None should be judged
None has the right to judge
God alone has the prerogative
You are not a judge; don't be fooled.

[Merlyn Kaipeng is a successful entrepreneur based in Agartala. She writes in her leisure time]

A Thing For Love

                             ~ Marlyn Kaipeng

Young and Old; Everyone need love
Have your ever imagined ?
Love is not simple as it seems
Love is something complicated
It would take a lifetime to describe.

Love is sacrifice
Real love is hard to find
Can't blame anyone for it though
For everyone is betrayed by love
One point of time or the other.

Trust is the essence of love
When someone breaks trust
It is difficult to trust again
This give way to flirtation
For scare of emotional attachments.

Love is pure; No lust involved
Where can one find true love ?
Each guy plays the right note
Hard to mark the good from the bad
Blinded to rely in the heart of others.

[Ms. Marlyn Kaipeng is a successful entrepreneur based in Agartala. She writes in her free time.]