Its been two weeks since we left Nagpur for our two months long On-Job-Training. I was told Delhi had a pretty hot time this year. We seem to had brought the rain along with us. Its raining hammer and tongs now and on more than one occassion, so far, I got drenched on my way to and fro to ITO where the initial schedules are going on.
The best part of the OJT is that we could sleep for long hours now. Back in the Campus, we barely had 6 Hrs of sleep, except of course, for the weekends. Since we don't have to rise up at 6 am in the morning, things are better on this front. But we also seemed to be held by a long rope. Because we have to make sure we complete our daily shcedules and also fill them up accordingly. The lure of weekend is also disrupted by the need to send our weekly reports latest by the following monday.
A change is always welcome. We miss the timely breakfast and meals at NADT. We miss the connectivity through the net also. Yet, walking in the corridors of ITO, it is an experience of real job at hand. One has to get a feel of it sooner or the later and the sooner the better. In life, ups and downs are part of it. We hope to come out of this experience enriched and equipped.